OrthoMCL-DB RELEASE 1.0 Due to the various gene naming scheme used in different genome centers, the gene accessions can be redundant. To facilitate OrthoMCL clustering and display in OrthoMCL-DB, a unified gene accession scheme (genome three-letter abbreviation followed by a number) was used. Please be aware that the same accession doesn't mean the same gene in different release of OrthoMCL-DB. BAE_geneid_anno provides such a mapping between these two accessions. BAE_all.fa stores the protein sequences for all genomes. all_orthomcl.out is the final clustering result. all_orthomcl.pat provides a file describing phyletic pattern (the number of genes in all genomes) for each group. orthomcl.rbh stores the information for reciprocal better hit within species, and reciprocal best hit across species: the gene accessions and the two-way BLAST E-values. ODB_V1_MSA.tgz is a tgz package of all the Multiple Sequence Alignments shown in OrthoMCL-DB V1. Please note that in these files, there are 55 genomes plus one genome which was not deposited into OrthoMCL-DB: Plasmodium vivax ("pvi",which was not publicly released yet when this clustering was done).